We take all complaints seriously and strive to improve our services based on your feedback. Our complaints system meets national standards criteria and it operates in accordance with the NHS system for dealing with complaints.
If you are unhappy with any part of our service and wish to make a complaint, then please email our team at:
You can also make a complaint in writing to:
One Stop Pharmacy Limited
Unit G Key Industrial Park
Fernside Road
WV13 3YA
After you submit your complaint, you will receive a confirmation email from our complaints manager. If necessary, we may reach out for more information to help resolve your issue and you will receive information on the outcome of any investigation and action taken.
You may also seek advice from your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS are not part of the complaints procedure itself but they might be able to resolve your concerns informally or they can tell you more about the complaints procedure and independent complaints advocacy services.
If you need advice and support in making your complaint, please contact the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS), who can offer assistance to people who want to complain about the NHS. ICAS can be contacted on 0300 4568349.